Monday, October 24, 2011

today I got a little crazy on ebay...I just bought an HD camcorder. And I had to pay for something I bid on and ended up winning. booooo. oh well, I'll just turn around and sell it! =D Anyway, I've got work I need to be doing...I can't wait until this semester is over! Have a good night!


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Been Awhile

I'm back!  I kinda forgot about my little bloggy blog, but I'm back for good. Not much has changed since February. I moved back in with my parents in March. Got a new job, transferred to a new school. I'm still with that wonderful, crazy guy of mine, and I'm still happy as a clam ^__^   I think that'll be all for tonight. Maybe I'll start posting pics and stuff...dunno


Thursday, February 17, 2011

told ya so

As I'm typing this I am listening to a song by Carrie Underwood called I Told You So. I've never been a country music fan, mainly because I can't stand the twangy sound it's known for. Carrie underwood is an exception, I like her voice, it's different. Anyways, It's been a couple days since my last post, I probably need to start blogging everyday, make it a habit, work on my writing skills. I don't know...not much for me to say, I haven't had any epiphanies, no voices from Above...just the average, boring life of a college student. Tonight I met up with a few old friends, it was fun. I wish life made sense to me. I really need to figure out what I'm doing with mine. Doesn't seem like  much now, but I know there is something for me. I know it. Just gotta fight for it. I think that's it for now. Adios.


Monday, February 7, 2011

my best friend

You know how everyone has that one person they can always depend on? The one person, that no matter how ridiculous the request, will never let you down? I found mine. He's perfect. He's my best friend; and the crazy part is, I met him when I wasn't looking. I was in a place where I was totally content, I had friends, I was kept busy. I didn't feel like anything was missing. Then it hit me, this boy, this sweet, honest, good natured boy, was the love of my life. He makes me laugh, he takes care of me when I cry, he teaches me new things. I don;t know where I would be without him. He keeps trying to read this so I guess I should hurry up and post it. He's upset  because I won't let him read it, so he thinks I'm writing bad things about him haha...

Anyways this guy is my life, my world, and I love him so much, just thought I'd share a little bit today.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

First Blog...

Well I am rather new at this, I don't really know what to expect from this. Just know that I am not perfect, I am not the best person in the world, I make mistakes, but I'm ME, and that's what matters to ME.